The United States of America Diversity Visa application commonly known as Green Card Lottery is currently underway. The process started on October 4th and will close on November 7th. Here’s why you need to apply.
Application is free. You don’t have to pay a cent during the application. And due to the nature of the lottery, you might be chosen for further processing. For many people, it’s a dream and you will get a chance to relocate to the US.
Better opportunities and career progression in the States. Application of the green card seems as a joke but once it goes through, your life will be changed forever. You’ll get to relocate and work in the US with better wages and better working environment.
Green Card gives you a chance to apply for the US citizenship after 5 years of stay. The success of the application will play a key role in your American Citizenship. This will help you be recognised as a US citizen and enjoy most of the citizenship benefits.
As a youth who has a degree or has completed his high-school, the success of green card application will be advantageous. You will be eligible for federal benefits like student financial aid and social security benefits. This means you can expand your knowledge easily while in the US.
The US Green Card gives you the power and ability to live and work anywhere in the United States. Unlike moving there illegally, the DV gives you the power to move, work and stay anywhere within the US. You’ll also be protected legally under the US laws.
Although the whole process is free, upon selection, successfully selected applicants will be required to pay the Visa Application Fee. By then, your chances of getting a VISA has increased to up to 70 or 80%. The remaining will depend on how you handle yourself in the interview and remaining processes.
Check this out: What You Need To Know About The 2025 Green Card Lottery
Currently, Kenya has limited jobs while the available ones either are low paying or contain worse working conditions. Applying for the DV Lottery can be your lucky way out of poverty. Get to the land of opportunities and change your life.
Kenya’s economy is in shambles. The Ksh keeps sinking against the dollar. Systems are not working. Politicians are busy engaging in corruption. Healthcare and education sectors don’t work. Make a decision to change your life and that of your family. Apply the DV 2025 today.
If you failed the previous year and even if you fail to be shortlisted this year, you can still apply in the subsequent years. If we need better opportunities, we must work to get them.