Immediately after graduation is a phase many are not ready to talk about. That’s when you make decisions that will either build or destroy you. This article might not explain what works for all but most individuals.
The first decision one makes after completing his studies is whether to go back home or hang around town. This is because most of the time parental support stops coming forth. Therefore you have to think fast and be decisive. Going home can be a good thing but not to most. Here’s why.
Home minimizes your career opportunities. Upcountry can provide little or no exposure to career opportunities. The interior nature of the setting will not allow you to get opportunities as compared to towns. It may not be immediate but opportunities are created through human connections and towns offer better human connections.
Going home means going back to your comfort zone. This means you don’t pay bills, food is catered for and rent is a non issue. This makes you relaxed. It doesn’t push you to try anything new. This can destroy you because starting to pay bills when you didn’t teach yourself is a bit complex.
Career progress is a problem. There are courses that when you complete, you can apply your knowledge back in the village. Agricultural courses and all those. But then there are others that don’t need the village. Industrial courses. Some business courses, Management courses. The village won’t offer you a platform to practice your field of expertise. Therefore your career progression wil be a dead end.
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Shame. Going home and laying there with no job will look normal until its not. Those who never went to campus will mock you. Your parents will start being worried. Most even say “siwezi fanya kazi ya mikono” because you have a degree. And when you do it, they’ll judge you. Hanging around town is better because no one is going to judge you doing any job. Remember, its survival phase. Anything to survive.
There are other minor reasons which vary from one family to another. Depending on situations, setting or even background. It’s up to a graduate to consider all these aspects before going home after college. It’s not a simple decision as it seems.
But if your family is well off, they can support you at home, don’t stay in town especially if they can’t support you over there. Home can be the best place to restrategize and plan for your moves. But it can be the worst place if external pressure starts from within the family.