The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has started the mass approval of teachers who have requested for transfers in a bid to finish the exercise before the next term re-opens. The TSC Teacher Transfers Approval seeks to be completed by early january.
Both the regional and inter-regional transfer requests have started being sorted by the commision. This will be done in December and early January to ensure that effected teachers report to work stations on time.
For those teachers seeking transfers within the same region will be dealt with the TSC Regional Directors. While those who want to move outside their stationed region will be approved by TSC Transfer board at national level.
Previously, around 26,871 teachers who failed to get transfers due to lack of replacements will be seeking for new approvals. Most of which want to go back to their home counties.
The commision previously Interdicted teachers who were forcing their way out of the North Eastern region citing security concerns. READ: TSC Interdicts Teachers Seeking Transfers From North Eastern
Out of 46,926 primary and secondary school teachers who applied to be taken to their home counties, only 20,055 were successful.
According to the Commission’s transfer policy, for a teacher to be transferred, TSC ensures the following. : there is suitable replacement, balance of staff and vacancy in the recipient station. This is done before the transfer is approved.
According to the Education CS, this is done to ensure equitable distribution of teachers in all public institutions across the country. This ensures that learners get access to quality education.
Other criterias used by TSC to effect the transfer includes the following. :medical conditions, need for replacements, availability of vacancies and other reasons that TSC will consider fit. Constituting the TSC Teacher Transfers Approval requirements.

Delocalization was done by TSC in order to address teacher shortage in some parts of the country. This was also done to promote cohesion and integration and more so prevent conflict of interest in school management.