Members of parliament have bow called upon Minet Insurance Brokers Limited to offer better services to teachers medical cover or get their Ksh. 53 Million contract terminated.
The MPs claim that the contract that begun on December 1st 2022 is not measuring up to the expectations. They cited poor administration of the scheme and substandard service delivery to teachers.
The National Assembly Education Committee said that they have received numerous complains of teachers left exposed when seeking medical services. Therefore, a review should be done to ascertain if the company offers value for the teachers’ money.
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Led by the committee chairman Julius Melly, the committee has said that teachers are forced to wait for long hours before being tended to because of the delay of insurance from Bliss Healthcare Insurance that administers the teachers medical cover.
“Teachers go through harrowing experiences. They sit on the benches for so long waiting to be served yet they have insurance. Most hospitals end up turning them away. You have 53 Million from the taxpayers yet you are not paying hospitals?”
In a meeting with Minet Insurance managing director, Sammy Muthui, MPs kicked him out accusing him of lying and documents not in order. They however directed the director to appear before the committee next week on Tuesday prepared.
Lugari MP called for the contract termination saying if the Insurance Broker can’t fulfill their mandate which is, quality services to teachers, then they should cease providing raw services to teachers.
Tell us why the contract should not be terminated because you have failed to provide services. We have a responsibility to the kenyan teacher.
Among other things, Minet Insurance Brokers Limited has been accused of:
- Not providing consultation fees as stipulated in the contract forcing teachers to pay Ksh 500 to access consultation services.
- Not responding to teachers complaints and queries or taking long period of time to respond.
- Long time to admit teachers to hospital forcing sick teachers to wait for long before Insurance accepts to cover their medicals
- Long time taken to remit funds for discharge and transfers to better medical facilities
- Other listed hospitals in some areas like Kiambu are not available to offer medication.