When we talk about toxicity, we most of the time refer to our partners and friends. But there is a topic rarely discussed and people tend to fight through it without sharing. Here are signs of toxic parenthood to watch out for.
Unlike toxic friends and partners that you can free yourself from, Toxic parents are there to stay. Some people live with the reality, others cut them off while others sink into depression because of it. Toxic Parenthood is real and should be talked about.
Toxic parents in most times put their interests before their child’s. They most of the time don’t care about what their child is going through neitherdo they help their child emotionally.
Signs of Toxic Parenthood:
Self centered is the first trait of a toxic parent. Children are supposed to be taken care of by their parents. Having a parent taking care of his/her interests without thinking about your needs, shows toxicity.
Physical Abuse: As a kid, you are prone to mistakes. As a parent, he/she has a right to discipline you. But when the discipline goes beyond a certain level, it shows how the parent is bitter and toxic towards you.
Emotional abuse: Your parent can subject you to emotional abuse that will clearly show they are toxic. Silent treatment for days, months or years for a simple mistake is one way to exhibit toxicity to your child.
Manipulation is another way to identify a toxic parent. The guilt trips that are beyond the ordinary. A parent that doesn’t stop till they get what they want from you. They don’t care how, when and what is needed provided they get what they want.
Disrespectful and cannot set boundaries. As a parent, you always know when your child has hit an age you stop meddling in their affairs. A parent that is disrespectful towards you and cannot set boundaries is toxic.
To cope with toxic Parenthood, you should learn to set your strong boundaries and enforce them. This is by making your stand known to them and let them know how you feel.
Also, focus on yourself as a way to cope up. This is by overlooking them and concentrating on building yourself no matter how they manipulate you. They will always hit back so you have to assume and do it for you.
Seeking help is another way of coping with toxic parenthood. Finding yourself a therapist who will listen to you and offer varying solutions can lift the burden off your shoulders and keep you going. This can help you heal and move.