A relationship that has both of you active on the same social media platform can be hectic. This is because of the jealous of your patner posting things that may make you uncomfortable. How do you ensure you keep your relationship healthy and going
Consider muting or blocking each other
For the sake of the relationship, muting or blocking each other can prevent you from coming across yoir significant other engagements with his/her followers which can make you uncomfortable
Don’t snoop your patners profile
Avoid checking your patner on what he/she posts because you might find what you’re looking for. This means that you should not stalk your patner.
Always give your patner the benefit of doubt.
Always trust your patner and differentiate between social media and real life. Interactions online don’t necessarily mean he’ll do it. Its just for fun
Talk about it
When you notice something unpleasant, talk with your patner about it. Let them know how uncomfortable it made you feel and talk on how to avoid the same. Silent treatment won’t solve issues. Talk it through with your patner
Put yourself in your patners shoes before you post.
Before you decide posting, make sure you self reflect and think about how your patner will react when he/she sees that post. This will help you make a sober decision as to whether you need the heat after you post or not
Make time for each other
Relationships are about assurances. Always create time for your patner off social media to ensure he/she doesn’t feel lonely and left out. Ensure you constantly assure them of your undying love
Handling a relationship when both of you are in the same social media platform can be risky and hectic. Don’t repeat things that your patner has told you are uncomfortable and always be apologetic