President William Ruto has clarified on the importance of Haiti mission to Kenya as a people and country. Speaking on Saturday, the President gave various reasons why he made the decision.
The National Security Council, United Nations Security Council and the Kenyan cabinet have already approved the multinational mission. Parliament is yet to give a go ahead.
“The Executive has conveyed the request to Parliament for consideration. I look forward to an expeditious consideration of this request in light of the dire situation in Haiti. Our participation in the operation reaffirms the DNA of our nation. Our destiny is inextricably linked to the whole of humanity. This is why Haiti is important; Haiti is not far, and Haiti is our business. Unsurprisingly and in view of our democratic nature, this matter has generated public interest, largely informed and driven by misconceptions and lack of information. Whereas some of the issues being raised will be considered and canvassed in parliament, I take this opportunity to respond directly to the people of Kenya on this matter.”
He also took time to address kenyans issues on the mission saying:
It’s multinational where kenya will lead other countries to fight the Haiti gangs. Countries like Senegal, Burundi and Chad will be in too. Including countries from the Caribbean like Jamaica and Bermuda
It’s a mission for humanity. The President argued that the people of Haiti need us. They need our help and we must do it for them. It will be humanly right to help them when they call on us.
Kenya’s commitment to Peace and security was the leading consideration to settle on Kenya to lead the mission. Therefore giving the country better exposure as the best peace champion in the face of the world.
The mission will also boost the Kenya Police. This is through experience, sharpening their skills and competencies to providing security.
H. E Ruto also reassured kenyans that the NPS is prepared to provide security in Kenya even with the Haiti mission underway. Kenya’s security will be prioritised.