Kenya Secondary School Heads Association has proposed a new increase of the school fees on all levels of schools across thr country. This they claim will cushion the high cost of living.
If implemented, will be a major blow to parents as they will have to pay higher to keep their children in school. The move has been motivated by the growing impatience by suppliers who haven’t been paid and the failure of government to release funds.
Free day secondary will now start paying fees after benefiting from the free Secondary education that was. This is if the proposal goes through moving into the year 2024.
Students in National schools face an increase in fees with annual costs reaching up to Sh73,182. This is from the previous Sh53,554. For county and extra county schools, parents would experience the highest fee increase. With annual fees rising to Sh 66,023 up from the current Sh40,535
Day school students who used to pay for food only will now be forced to pay Sh 5,372. These learners constitute of about 70% of all students in secondary school.
Free education will now stick to students only in primary school. All secondary school students subjected to a fee that the parent must adhere to
This comes after complains by various schools about late or failure of the government to disburse funds meant to cushion parents of high fees. This has forced suppliers to stop trusting school heads thus putting pressure on them.
However it remains unclear whether the government will adopt this proposal that will see heavy fees implemented.
School Heads proposal has kenyans already reacting on social media claiming that tough times are lasting. Others worried on where we are heading as a country with all these increments. From taxes to import duties to now school fees. Claiming the burden will be too heavy to carry.