Mumias MP Peter Salasya was arrested on Friday after causing violence and attacking a fellow politician at a funeral on Friday, authorities confirm.
According to reports, Salasya attacked Malaha MCA Peter Walunya after the MP got agitated with the presence of Walunya telling him to sit down, something he failed to do triggering Salasya to attack him.
Salasya was later in the day arrested and charged with two offenses including assault causing actual bodily harm and creating a disturbance in a manner that breached section 95 (1) of the penal code.
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His security detail was also disarmed as their firearms are awaiting ballistic analysis as the member of Parliament is awaiting his day in court for the charges against him. This is because his security detail allegedly fired gunshots in the air during the scuffle.
However, the MP was released on Saturday on a cash bail of Ksh. 50,000. He will be required to appear before SPM’s court in Mumias on Tuesday to answer for the two charges.
Leaders from across the political devide have however condemned Salasya’s actions terming them as childish and uncultured. Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale condemned the incident calling young leaders to be responsible.
“Our leaders have gone mad. From an MP shooting a DJ to another one shooting a man dead, to others pitting rival goons against each other and now to this! Kenyan voters must seriously retrospect.”
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However, this is not the first time the Mumias MP has been put into public scrutiny for his actions at public events having pulled such shameful acts in the past. This has raised eyebrows on his conduct on public with some saying that the first time member of Parliament is drunk with power and he must be guided on how to conduct himself.