BnB is a growing business in Kenya and in as much as it offers privacy and class as compared to lodgings and bars, it can come with disappointments when you realise it has cameras installed in the room
Most Airbnb owners argue that the cameras help keep their items safe but it can be costly in terms of privacy of their customers. That’s why you need to check for hidden cams in your room. Here’s how to:
Turn off the lights in your room and using your smartphone camera, you can identify infrared LEDs used in night vision cameras. This will help you know where they are placed easily
Incase the room has wifi in it, consider turning off the router incase the network is interfered with. This will help cut the connection thus ensuring nobody is watching you from outside the room.
You can also solve this manually by looking for suspicious items that are strategically placed but look oddly there. Items like flowerpots in the bedroom, paintings that are out of place etc. You can as well cover them and uncover when you’re done with your stay.
Technology can be a saviour too with the availability of scanning apps that you can use to scan the facility to check if there are hidden cameras. This will save you the struggle of manually looking for them on accessories
You can also shine light towards the accessories and the hidden camera will show a blue light reflection. This can be an easier way to quickly identify these cams
Breach of privacy can be frustrating. Airbnb owners should notify their customers on the presence of the cameras which then beats the logic of it. Thus BnBs should check the house before the customer leaves to ascertain that everything is in place instead of installing cameras in the crib. This is a win win situation because it protects the privacy of the customer and ensures the items in the house are left safe and just the way they found them.
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most air BnBs have hidden cameras for security reasons