Drama ensued in Loresho, Nairobi County after two armed men temporarily locked Land Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome inside an Indian’s Ksh1.3 billion prime land.
According to reports the Cabinet Secretary was in Loresho to recover the prime land initially owned by an Indian but was grabbed by a former Nairobi official.
As the Cabinet Secretary was inside, two unknown men locked the gate from the outside forcing the CS and other officials to call for backup from the area police who brought one of the men to open the gate.
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The police acted swiftly after the fuming CS directed immediate action. Within no time, one of the men was arrested and dragged to the gate and asked to open it. However, he complained that he did not have the keys to the padlock.
After seeing no option anf the key was nowhere to be seen, ge was forced to use a log of wood to break down the lock and free Wahome and others.
Reports indicate that the men are suspected to have been sent by the former Nairobi official who grabbed the land from the foreigners to try and scare off the Lands officials or derail the process of repossession
Wahome then ordered all occupying the land to vacate by noon on Wednesday, March 6. She directed the Gigiri OCPD Joseph Kioko to oversee the operations and see to it that the land grabbers have vacated.
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“There is no absolutely no reason why there should be any other person on this site other than the two owners of this land. I will ask for an immediate report by the OCPD.”
One of the owners noted that the piece of land will be used for development projects. This project will be conducted in liaison with other Indian individuals