The Teachers Service Commission has rolled out a wealth and asset declaration form. The teachers wealth declaration deadline was set and is to be filled and submitted before the end of December 2023.
The circular that was released on November 7th requires only the teachers employed on permanent and pensionable terms to apply before the teachers wealth declaration deadline set on December 31st.
Nancy Macharia, the Commission CEO has emphasised on the need for teachers to be transparent and honest while filling the forms. She said dire consequences will be taken for those who provide misleading or false information.

“Any teacher employed by the Commission who fails to submit the declaration or gives false or misleading information will be liable to a fine of Kshs 1,000,000 or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year or both upon conviction.”
The exercise will be conducted online on a system that has been developed to ensure even newly employed teachers participate.
Updated 2023 KCPE/KPSEA Release Date
This will be in accordance to Sections 26 and 27 of the Public Officer Ethics Act (POEA) which states that all Public Officers are mandated to disclose their Income, Assets, and Liabilities (IALs) every two years.
Who Should Declare Wealth by TSC?
Macharia said that all government/ TSC employed teachers should declare their wealth without fail. This includes teachers on interdiction, leave, suspension and those with official authorisation to be absent from duty.
Exemptions from the TSC Wealth Declaration
TSC has stated that ONLY intern teachers are exempted from declaring their wealth i.e Liabilities, assets and income.
The commission has also urged teachers to make early declarations to avoid last minute rush that may cause congestion on the site. This may lead to slow loading and even being locked out.
The wealth Declaration process is available online. You can download and check out the process of wealth declaration HERE.